Give Yourself Some Grace
During a recent rant with my therapist, I was telling her—in a rather manic way—all the things that were frustrating me about recovery from narcissistic abuse.
I explained that I felt my sense of self motivation was abysmal (in comparison to my past self) and self discipline was lacking. I told her I was still having trouble expressing myself, realizing any sense of accomplishment, confidence, and I explained this whole notion I have of moving from victim to survivor to warrior. It just seemed to me that it was all an incredible amount of work and I wasn’t progressing fast enough, strong enough, smart enough; and why the hell was all this recovery stuff taking so god damn long anyway?
She looked at me with a wide eyed, knowing smile, “Give yourself some grace,” she said.
It stopped me short. What a beautiful turn of words. I wrote it down. And then I began to consider what was meant by “grace”.
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